Allison Cheston, Career Connector


Career Connector Blog

A Millenial and A Boomer: Oh, What a Pair!


I am a tail-end Baby Boomer, but think more like a Gen X’er. But I’m still a far cry from Gen Y, a generation I’ve grown to enjoy and admire immensely. Gen Y has a suppleness of thinking combined with an inherent need to share—everything is documented and discussed. Which means we can all benefit from Gen Y wisdom, if we so choose, by simply going on Facebook, Brazen, or Twitter.

Boomers only share with those they trust, but they know a good idea when they see one. And sometimes, because they are more private or god forbid, focused, Boomers will miss those pearls of wisdom being dropped so casually across every social network platform. And yet, if delivered if an organized fashion to the right people at the right time, many of these ideas are of real interest.

My suggestion: Boomers and Millenials should pair up. Boomers need Millenials to interpret and filter for them, because Boomers won’t take their time to sift through all the noise. And Millenials? They need polishing, professionalism and presentation.

As a Boomer, it’s ideal to have a secret weapon—a sleuth who, during the night, pulls articles of interest, blog posts and videos and delivers them to your doorstep by morning. In exchange for which, you decide whether to make the right introductions or even fund an idea. Both generations think like entrepreneurs, only one picks up the phone and the other texts or Twitters. It’s an interesting mix.