
Career Connector Blog

How To Research Roles During Covid


One of the things I work on with clients is role research, once we’ve identified one or two directions we think make sense. Especially now during Covid, my clients are having trouble conducting this kind of research because there are fewer job listings than there were pre-Covid.

Typically we review job descriptions with the appropriate titles and benchmark skills and background compared to the ideal desired by the employer. Since right now that’s not always possible, and it’s important to understand what a role entails, here’s what I suggest.

1.     Use LinkedIn to find people in your ideal roles.
If you plug a title into the LinkedIn search bar and click on “People” on the next screen, you will get a long list of LinkedIn members with the title in question. This is a great way to discover more about what people in that role actually do (assuming that person’s profile is fairly robust), and to see the kinds of previous jobs, skill level and education people in that role typically have.

2.     Consider contacting people with your ideal role and on your list of companies.
During Covid, with most people working from home, you have a better chance of getting someone to speak with you about their career path. To encourage a higher response rate, promise to keep the call short and have a very brief list of questions at the ready for your call. Don’t forget: If your new contact works for a company of interest and you have a good call, you can ask them for help in your search. If you get hired, many companies offer employees a finder’s fee, so don’t be shy.

3.     But don’t ask prospective contacts you don’t know to connect on LinkedIn.
Once you have an established relationship, you can ask to connect. But if you do that before you’ve spoken with them you are wasting your ask on a connection request when you’re planning to come back to ask for a conversation. Be strategic and thoughtful about people’s time.

4.     For more preparation on a role or sector, mine trade associations.
Every industry has at least one trade association whose job it is to promote the industry to the outside world. Trade associations have loads of information on their websites, including white papers and lists of members who are in the field. They also deliver seminars and conferences specific to topics of interest in that field. This is one of the best ways to research a new sector or role, and as a newbie you can also ask about an entry level membership.

It may take some digging, but that’s what the job search is all about. Just make sure you are well prepared for any calls so you can impress your new contact and take it to the next level.


Was this helpful? Are there any techniques you’ve found to be useful during Covid? I’d love to hear from you!